1. I think you need to be much more specific about what you’re after. Holistic reparation is potentially open ended: no government can or should accept such an obligation. And it’s not at all clear how to solve many of the societal problems you mention – or indeed who’s fault they are. There’s no point in building a strong movement if your demands can never be met, even by a cooperative government.


    • Dear Tom, this campaign is very specific, have you read our aims & objectives? Have you also read the ‘Stop the Maangamizi’ Petition which has specific demands in terms of a participatory reparations process and the establishment of an All-Party-Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry for Truth & Reparatory Justice as well as the Ubuntukgotla Peoples International Tribunal for Global Justice? The International Social Movement for Afrikan Reparations (ISMAR) consists of many different constituencies, and interest groups and whilst we are within our various Afrikan Heritage Communities and groupings are strengthening and building the internal mechanisms for canvassing and consulting our people worldwide who are stakeholders in the cause of Afrikan reparatory justice. As a campaign, we have short-term goals which will enable a proper accounting of the harm and current day manifestations of the Maangamizi to also take place. This is an essential part of any group’s capacity building for waging a reparations struggle, formulating their case which is to be answered and securing short, medium and long terms goals. We also support the motto of our campaign partner, the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee ‘Education is Preparation for Reparations’because there is a need for lots more reparations study, learning and consciousness-raising in terms of reparatory justice methodologies, processes, mechanisms, strategies and tactics for arriving at the reparatory justice change that various communities seek.

      SMWeCGEC Team


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